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"My greatest source of inspiration is the nature around us. When I look at it it is as if I am allowed to live in a grandiose work of art that is constantly changing."
Albert-Jan Van de Pol


I've always loved making things. As a child I was making drawings and comics, later it became paintings, stained glass windows or a mosaic. I think that is a first characteristic of my art; I am on a journey of discovery through media, techniques and styles. Marc Chagall has been a huge inspiration for me for a long time now, and  probably that will be the case for the rest of my life. I made a number of paintings in his style to research what he did. The mosaic I am working on is a reproduction of one of Chagall's mosaics. Our youngest son said: 'Dad, it's time for you to follow your own style and leave Chagall behind.' Good advice that I decided to listen to. It has resulted in me starting my own art studio and now writing this text for my own website.


What I try to portray is reality as I see it behind reality. The story that lives in my heart. I love:

  • colors and how they talk to each other,

  • texture so that the light can make a dance of shadows on my art,

  • history (applying and removing color, so that different layers are on top of each other that sometimes become visible through each other)

I also make paintings in commission. The nice thing about that is that I then can take the clients along on the journey of discovery of its creation. We create a WhatsApp group, share photos, discuss color and... if possible... visit the place where the painting will hang together.


Would you also like to give such an assignment? Very nice! Contact me and we will go on a journey of discovery together.

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